Our Job

is to lift burdens and ease pain.

Supportive Care Solutions of Tulsa is a medical specialty that serves as an extra layer of in-home support, when medically appropriate, for people diagnosed with a serious illness. Supportive care focuses on managing your symptoms and improving your quality of life while you continue to pursue treatment options with your own doctors.


We work side by side with your physician to manage the symptoms of your disease, reduce your anxiety, and ensure that you get the best care possible. Patients can receive  our services  along with care from their physician, during their entire course of treatment—from the time an illness is diagnosed through the final stages of the disease. 

Adults with a serious illness at any stage can benefit from supportive care—whether they’re young, elderly, or in-between. Supportive care can be especially helpful to people diagnosed with cancer, congestive heart failure, COPD, ALS, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, or kidney failure.

“Your palliative care services have meant the world to my father and our entire family. The visits, phone calls, and follow-up calls have been invaluable. We will highly recommend the palliative care program to anyone seeking support…”

– Teresa M., Magnolia, DE

Our Team

Who we are

Supportive Care Solutions of Tulsa Physicians, RN, Social Workers and Chaplains visit individuals and their families wherever they live–private homes, nursing home facilities, assisted living and independent living facilities. 

How These Services Are Covered

Supportive services provided by our staff are funded through Medicare, Medicaid, and some insurance plans. Copays, deductibles, and coinsurance may apply. Feel free to contact us with questions.


A holistic approach to improving your quality of life .



Each individual enrolled in Supportive Care Solutions of Tulsa gets assigned a dedicated team, including a Supportive Care Physician, Certified Supportive Registered Nurse, a social worker to help you cope with the human side of the disease.

Our holistic approach considers your medical, physical, emotional, as well as a Chaplain, to help meet spiritual needs. During regular visits to your home, your team of specialists will work to create comfort.


  • Control physical symptoms to make you more comfortable.

  • Address sources of anxiety and reduce stress within the family.

  • Coordinate care with your physician.

  • Educate you and your family members about the illness and explain options for care.

  • Provide a quick response to worsening symptoms before you end up in the emergency room.

  • Connect you and your family with other resources that can help you tackle the challenges that come with a serious illness.


Supportive Care VS Hospice Care:

Many people confuse Supportive care with hospice care. Supportive care is intended for anyone at any stage of a serious illness. Individuals can receive supportive care at the same time as a treatment aimed at a cure. Hospice care, on the other hand, is designed for patients facing a limited life expectancy of approximately six months or less. Hospice patients have made the decision to pursue comfort measures and forego further curative treatment.

Why Should I Consider Supportive Care?

Supportive care might be the answer you’ve been looking for if:


You need help keeping your symptoms in check.

You want to stop going to the ER or getting hospitalized as a result of your illness.

You want to know what services are available to help you stay in your own home and take care of yourself.

You need help figuring out the best options for your healthcare.